Southwestern Family of Companies

How Managing Human Bonds Creates Truth in Recruiting

By Christy Farrell, Partner, Healthcare Technology & Innovation

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines human bonding as “the formation of a close relationship (as between a mother and child or between a person and an animal) especially through frequent or constant association.” As a recruiter who specializes in healthcare technology and innovation I realize that I am working with clients and candidates who have so many other relationships in their lives: family, friends,…

Client-Candidate Communication: Managing Expectations

By Sean Sposeep, Partner, Life Sciences

Hiring doesn’t have to be the difficult process everyone assumes it is: what I’ve found is that it comes down to understanding that there’s no magic recipe for a hire. The hiring process involves a unique convergence of the needs and desires of both candidates and clients, and in order to understand those requirements and manage expectations on both fronts,…

Recruiters & Reality: What Millennials Need to Know about the Marketplace

By Courtney Rice, Partner, Banking

Let’s Start with the Truth People of every age appreciate being treated like intelligent adults. So it’s important for job candidates from every generation—but especially Millennials, the youngest of which are still learning the ropes of how to conduct their job search—to know the realities of the recruiting process and the expectations of the marketplace. Let’s face it: misinformation is…

How Actively Caring and Exercising Your Own Career Planning Benefits Everyone

By Kay Linder, Partner and Practice Lead, Healthcare Technology & Innovation Healthcare professionals and organizations all recognize the importance of paying attention to our health. Every day we witness the negative consequences of neglecting to cultivate and maintain healthy routines. Sickness loves to seek out the overburdened mind and body. With today’s frantic pace of life and the speed at…

Hiring in Times of Limited Time

By Cathy Moll, Partner and Practice Lead, Life Sciences

Fast Forward Nothing has had a greater impact on hiring in the past 20 years than speed. Both companies and candidates operate with unprecedented agility, and this change has revolutionized the hiring process in many ways for both parties. The days of recruiting nine-to-five are long gone, and have been replaced by round-the-clock communications with individuals on both sides of…

Mis-Hires Will Break Your Bank!

By Chuck Hutsell, Partner and Practice Lead, IT and Gaming

Technically, the term mis-hire isn’t an actual word recognized by most English dictionaries. However, talk to any CEO or HR professional and you’ll quickly notice that it elicits a deeply negative response. Mis-hire can be interpreted in a myriad of ways, and offer many different meanings based on the context in which it is used. But all of the connotations and denotations…

The Digital Age and the Millennial Mindset

By Tim Knight, VP and Senior Managing Partner, Banking

Technology has afforded job seekers unprecedented access to information about employers, workplace cultures, and the overall hiring landscape. Too many options, however, can be both a blessing and a curse. Human beings are hardwired to think about improving their stations in life, and thanks to technology jobs offering a better salary, job title, and working conditions are just a tap…

7 Traits To Look For When Hiring a Sales Rep

By Hans Schlegel, Partner, Sales

We all know the expression: “You’re not selling a product; you’re selling yourself.” It’s a sales adage so old that it veers on the edge of cliche — but that doesn’t make it any less true. That’s why anybody who’s hiring sales representatives knows that the quality of the product or service being sold is just as important as the…

Hiring a Professional Recruiter Can Actually Save You Money

By Jay Boone, Partner and Manager, Banking

Save Time, Save Money “Time is money.” – Benjamin Franklin There are numerous factors that impact the time it takes to identify, vet, and onboard a quality job candidate. Creating an effective job profile, launching the initial search, evaluating resumes, conducting interviews, making an offer, and navigating counter-offers are all important parts of an increasingly intricate process that can be…