Southwestern Family of Companies

How To Resign

Resignations can be difficult and a little awkward, but—like growing pains—they are the necessary first step toward beginning a better opportunity. As you prepare to resign, here are a few steps to follow.  Gather your thoughts and remember your ‘why’:  Take some time to reflect. Write down your reasons for leaving your current job and for taking a new job.…

How To Spot An Ethical Recruiter

Elise Gay just received the 2023 Ralph Mosley Award, ThinkingAhead’s highest honor given to one recruiter who truly exemplifies integrity (check out our core values for how we define integrity in recruiting). A 6-year veteran in our Life Sciences Practice, Elise represents our shared commitment to the highest standard of ethics in recruiting.   But as a jobseeker or hirer, how…

6 Ways To Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out To A Recruiter

As recruiters, we comb through thousands of LinkedIn profiles. With so many people moving across our screen, we look for “green flags,” or commonalities in the profiles of our strongest candidates. Here are some profile elements that the best candidates do not miss:  A Quality Photo of Yourself: Your profile photo is the first impression of your LinkedIn profile. Missing…

What Is Resume Spamming and How to Avoid an Unethical Recruiter

Not all recruiters do it right. Many take a high-volume approach, capitalizing on unsure job markets, an urgent need for employment or workers, or unknowing talent.   Our legal recruiters have seen a rise in what they call “resume spamming:” A recruiter will find a resume and then hand it out to as many law firms as possible without notifying or…

The Power of Enthusiasm in Job Interviews: Empowering Candidates’ Decision-Making

Job interviews are a pivotal stage at which candidates and employers evaluate one another’s suitability for a position. Beyond showcasing skills and experience, enthusiasm and genuine interest in the role can significantly impact the outcome. These are a few ways that displaying enthusiasm not only increases a candidate’s chances of being selected but also empowers them with decision-making capability during…