Southwestern Family of Companies

The Struggle is Real for Job Seekers

By Shayne Merrick, Partner and Manager, Sales

Overqualified?! “We’re very impressed with your resume, but we feel you’re overqualified.” For an active, eager job seeker, the word “overqualified” can deflate egos and derail the entire job hunting process. It’s the human resources version of the dreaded relationship ender: “let’s just be friends.” Sometimes, hiring managers use the “overqualified” as an excuse to cover a perceived flaw that’s hard for them…

Rounding the Bases: Recruiting, Careers, and Baseball

By Jay Boone, Partner and Manager, Banking

Rounding the Bases: Recruiting, Careers, and Baseball It’s baseball season, and baseball has long been an enduring part of American culture. The sport teaches us the values of discipline and teamwork; for this (and other) reasons, baseball is a powerful metaphor for our lives — and our careers. Every professional has endured their fair share of strike outs, home runs, and dramatic…

What should I do if my company announces a “Restructuring”?

By Tim Knight, Vice President, Banking

With the economy growing and unemployment at its lowest levels since before the Great Recession of 2008, we have not heard of many companies needing to restructure or the need for the dreaded reduction in force. In recent weeks, we have talked with professionals whose situations have changed due to their companies need to make necessary organizational changes through restructuring…

The Internal Conversation

By Rich Weinman, Practice Lead, Architecture/Mechanical Construction

The psychology of every employee is differently complex. While most feel fortunate to have a respectable job and are grateful for the opportunities they’ve been presented, many also ponder if the grass is greener elsewhere- it’s just human nature. But although these thoughts may seem like an ungrateful intrusion, asking “what if?” is perfectly natural. Recruiters are experts at seeing…

Why should I talk to a recruiter if I am happy in my job/with my company?

By Jay Boone, Partner and Manager, Banking

At its core, a recruiter’s job is to create happiness. Recruiters work hard to ensure employers and employees are perfectly matched and positioned to create success, cultivate growth, and enjoy an excellent quality of life together. Why, then, should an employee who is already content with and fulfilled in their current position contact a recruiter in the first place? Know…

Recruiters & Reality: What Millennials Need to Know about the Marketplace

By Courtney Rice, Partner, Banking

Let’s Start with the Truth People of every age appreciate being treated like intelligent adults. So it’s important for job candidates from every generation—but especially Millennials, the youngest of which are still learning the ropes of how to conduct their job search—to know the realities of the recruiting process and the expectations of the marketplace. Let’s face it: misinformation is…