Southwestern Family of Companies

The Power of Enthusiasm in Job Interviews: Empowering Candidates’ Decision-Making

Job interviews are a pivotal stage at which candidates and employers evaluate one another’s suitability for a position. Beyond showcasing skills and experience, enthusiasm and genuine interest in the role can significantly impact the outcome. These are a few ways that displaying enthusiasm not only increases a candidate’s chances of being selected but also empowers them with decision-making capability during…

Headhunters To Heroes: Resume Tips for High Schoolers and Executives 

What did your first resume look like?  With the help of some of our recruiters, many seniors at McGavock High School have gotten a head start on their resumes.   Looking for opportunities to give back to our community, ThinkingAhead recently partnered with PENCIL, a Nashville-based nonprofit that provides resources and support to local public schools. Through this organization, nonprofit recruiter…

Turning Obstacles into Opportunity

It’s no secret that 2020 brought uncertainty and hardships. Any sense of normalcy went out the window.  Social distancing, ever-changing CDC guidelines, “unprecedented times”, and increasing unemployment proved to be persistent challenges. People rang in the New Year hopeful and eager to get back to business as usual. Though 2021 is proving to be an improvement from last year, the…