Southwestern Family of Companies

How to Choose the Right Recruiter for Your Job Search

Did you know that millions of Americans currently employed in today’s workforce were placed or referred by a recruiter? Utilizing the services of a recruiter is not as uncommon as you might imagine. However, the odds of finding the RIGHT recruiter who will provide timely and effective recruiting practices for your job search are much lower. That’s why it is…

Pandemic Hiring: The Keys to Hiring in Uncertainty

As the coronavirus impact sweeps across the nation with outstanding force, the US job market is facing a declination devastating to businesses and job searchers. A mere month after the US witnessed the lowest unemployment rates in decades, the coronavirus pandemic has left companies scrambling to confront downsizing and the uncertainty of their future. As the effects of the coronavirus…

Salary History and the New Normal

With the rise of legislation aimed to dismantle the gender pay disparity, US hiring practices and traditional interview structures are facing a new normal in 2020. The Salary-History Ban addresses the predilection of the recruitment process and the assumptions that often accompany previous salary acknowledgments. This regulation prohibits the routinely-asked question of preceding salary and encourages a neutral and nondiscriminatory…

December Hiring: Why the Fourth Quarter is the New First Quarter

In the season of celebration, Hallmark movies, and ugly festive sweaters, holiday hiring may appear impractical and ineffective compared to the robust and opportunistic pace of the new year. In fact, the month of December has been notoriously recognized as a “holiday hiring freeze” when job searches are limited, candidates are scarce, and budgets are maxed. However, new research shows…

Candidate Abandonment: Why Your Offers Just Aren’t Cutting It

Is your company facing candidate abandonment? In an era of swift decision-making and unnecessarily long hiring processes, 10 -15 % of your best candidates will abandon your position for every inessential week of delay. However, long hiring processes may not be the only reason you’re being disregarded by your top applicants.  Candidates who interview with poorly reputed companies and experience…

Beyond the Screen: Real Connections in Remote Teams

In a world where over 70% of employees work remotely at least once per week, virtual isolation is becoming increasingly common and overwhelmingly visible in the secluded workforce. The recognition of digital possibility has forced employers to give remote work a second glance and embrace the flexibility and efficiency of this new and arguably improved career style. Despite countless studies…

Making the Most of Your Interview

By ThinkingAhead

When it comes hiring and the interviewing process, there is a lot of talk about acquiring good talent and retaining good talent. Unfortunately, one of the challenges is that the interviewing PROCESS is often outdated. Hiring managers are sometimes asking the same questions that don’t always allow them to find out of the candidate is actually the right fit. Did…

The Top 10 Reasons Good Fundraisers Leave Organizations They Care About

By Jonathan McIntosh, Nonprofit Recruiter

  “I would take a pay cut.” Her statement felt almost like a confession. “Jonathan, if I could work under healthy leadership, I would be willing to take a cut in pay.” I was on the phone with another fantastic fundraiser who was all but done with her current situation and wanted out. She loved the organization she served and…