November 25, 2019

December Hiring: Why the Fourth Quarter is the New First Quarter

In the season of celebration, Hallmark movies, and ugly festive sweaters, holiday hiring may appear impractical and ineffective compared to the robust and opportunistic pace of the new year. In fact, the month of December has been notoriously recognized as a “holiday hiring freeze” when job searches are limited, candidates are scarce, and budgets are maxed. However, new research shows that December just might be the perfect month to initiate a search and discover your dream candidate.

Last year, ThinkingAhead Executive Search witnessed its greatest December in over 10 years. As the year winds to an end, there are dozens of reasons why top candidates may be pursuing a new career opportunity. Not only does a December hiring strategy differentiate your company from the thousands ready to pounce on the first of January, but it can also it can eliminate the need for competition and secure qualified candidates before the year’s end, saving time and financial resources. Holiday hiring can also aid in simplifying the interview timeline and attracting candidates who may be hesitant to request time off to complete interviews.

Not only does December hiring allow early access to a wider pool of candidates, but it also filters this pool to highly-motivated and committed individuals who may be experiencing year-end career inspiration.

As the year nears its close, many candidates may find themselves encountering a large degree of self-reflection and an uncertainty in their current roles that may motivate them to take action if presented with an attractive opportunity. Unemployed individuals may also find the month of December an opportunistic time to pursue careers and secure interviews entering January while contract employees may also be facing a switch. When hiring a recruiter to perform your job search, rest assured that practiced recruiters use the holidays are opportune times to reconnect with thousands of qualified candidates and contact who may be thrilled to investigate your opening.

A 2018 study shows that organizations with a strong onboarding process improve new hire retention by 82% and productivity by over 70%. Because January is historically fast-paced and hectic due to the large volumes and catch-up and freshly motivated employees, onboarding processes can often suffer. Without proper organization and training, retention rates diminish along with quality of work. December hiring removes the pressure of January onboarding and allows new hires to satisfy needs and pieces of training before the year begins, eliminating the high costs of resignations and further onboardings.

Utilizing a recruiter for a December hiring can bring significant connect companies with individuals that may have otherwise gone unnoticed. Employing specialized recruiters can integrate deep market knowledge, unique client relationships, valuable interview preparation, and a greater long-term investment into your job search. As the year nears its end, December is an opportunity to surpass competition, eliminate unnecessary financial burdens, and reach highly-motivated and qualified candidates eager to begin their years with a fresh opportunity. How can the recruiters at ThinkingAhead Executive Search help you today?