Southwestern Family of Companies

Headhunters To Heroes: Resume Tips for High Schoolers and Executives 

What did your first resume look like?  With the help of some of our recruiters, many seniors at McGavock High School have gotten a head start on their resumes.   Looking for opportunities to give back to our community, ThinkingAhead recently partnered with PENCIL, a Nashville-based nonprofit that provides resources and support to local public schools. Through this organization, nonprofit recruiter…

How Ghosting Candidates and Taking Too Long to Hire Can Damage a Company’s Reputation

Job hunting can be a stressful and time-consuming process for candidates, and unfortunately, some companies make it even harder by ghosting candidates or taking too long to hire. Ghosting refers to the practice of suddenly cutting off communication with someone, and in the context of job applications or interviews, it can happen when a company stops responding to a candidate’s…

Technical and Ethical Excellence in Recruiting: 2022 Mosley Award Winner Derek Schlender

Our annual Winter Awards Banquet culminates with the presentation of the Ralph Mosley Award for Excellence to one individual who embodies and embraces the spirit of ThinkingAhead. They exhibit high ethical standards, commitment through years of service, consistent performance, a positive influence on the company and its employees, and active community involvement. The recipient of the 2022 Mosley Award is…

Three Benefits of a Remote or Hybrid Work Model

As we regain normalcy in a post-covid era, some employers are reverting to fully on-site work models. Not all jobseekers, however, have returned to this mindset, and recruiters in our Banking and Commercial Finance Practice are urging employers to approach the conversation with an open mind. With phrases like “we are just an in-person culture,” and “that’s what we have…

Balancing Personal and Professional Ambition: Raul Krebs

What did you do this summer? Raul Krebs, a Recruiter and Partner on our European team, completed a Half Ironman Triathlon. During one of the most successful recruiting seasons of his career, Raul also trained for and competed in a 70-mile race of biking, running, and swimming.  Since he was able to break production records at work while accomplishing impressive…

Summer Compass Meeting 2022

This past week, recruiters gathered in our Nashville office for the semi-annual Compass Meeting. As the name would suggest, Compass Meetings allow the entire ThinkingAhead team to come together to ensure we are pointed in the right direction and encourage one another.   The two-day gathering was full of bright spots, from celebrating multi-decade anniversaries, to unlimited hot dogs in our…


Here at ThinkingAhead, we value diversity and are committed to continual growth and improvement. We believe teams achieve better results and are more effective when they include diverse members with uniquely rich experiences and perspectives. That is why ThinkingAhead is partnering with people3, a leading, national DEI consultant. We are actively working on becoming a more inclusive workplace and presenting…

Summer Compass Meeting

Connecting the right people at the right place at the right time! July is always an exciting month here at ThinkingAhead. Flights are arranged, hotels are booked, open cubicles are filled, and social activities are planned. ThinkingAhead recruiters from all over the country gather together at our headquarters in Nashville, TN for the three days of Summer Compass Meetings. Summer…

Turning Obstacles into Opportunity

It’s no secret that 2020 brought uncertainty and hardships. Any sense of normalcy went out the window.  Social distancing, ever-changing CDC guidelines, “unprecedented times”, and increasing unemployment proved to be persistent challenges. People rang in the New Year hopeful and eager to get back to business as usual. Though 2021 is proving to be an improvement from last year, the…