March 27, 2018

Our Own Kay Linder has earned Senior Status with HIMSS

By ThinkingAhead

When you’re looking to partner with an Executive Recruiter, you should count your blessings when you come across someone who takes their specialization and industry seriously; someone who is actively involved in the professional communities that their clients and candidates are a part of and someone who thoughtfully contributes to the growth of their own practice. Encountering an individual like that can have an extremely positive effect on your day and, quite possibly, your career.

Kay Linder, a Healthcare Innovation Partner at ThinkingAhead, has done just that. Since 1998, she has been a member of HIMSS (Health Information Management and Systems Society). HIMSS is the leading networking and education professional organization in the Healthcare Technology industry, of which Innovation is at the forefront of that sector . Kay has served on the Board of Directors for the Tennessee State Chapter, as well as held the title of State Chapter President. Additionally, she is currently active with several other state chapters in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast regions.

2018 is a special milestone, as it marks Kay’s 20th year as a HIMSS member. This year, she has proudly earned the HIMSS Senior Member title, a designation that only 150 others can claim. With approximately 70,000 total members, this is not something Kay takes lightly! More information regarding this designation and how it is earned can be found here.

Kay focuses on partnering with healthcare organizations who are either creating new positions or significantly retooling existing roles to allow their organization to take advantage of emerging trends. Specifically, she works on leadership roles in Population Health/Value Based Care, Quality Transformation, Predictive Analytics, Technology and Informatics.

We, at ThinkingAhead Executive Search, are honored to recognize and celebrate Kay for her numerous accomplishments, including her dedication to her practice and our company. Congratulations!